Sunday, August 28, 2016

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem. The famous two words first uttered by a Roman poet, Horace in his work Odes, meaning to seize the day. However a more accurate definition would be to enjoy the day, pluck the day when it is ripe. 
I remember first finding this phrase a few years ago at the end of sixth grade, before I moved down South, half way across the country. I forgot the phrase for quite a few months. Then I found it again while looking for titles for stories. Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
I remember looking at the phrase and its' meaning and wondering what exactly does seize mean.
It obviously doesn't mean to have a seizure. Okay, that was really stupid of me. 
So I literally looked up the word seize. 

  1. 1.
    take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
    "she jumped up and seized his arm"
    synonyms:grabgraspsnatch, take hold of, get one's hands on; More
  2. 2.
    (of a machine with moving parts or a moving part in a machine) become stuck or jammed.
    "the engine seized up after only three weeks"

Who forcibly grabs a day? Okay that's literal thinking. Going deeper below the surface, Carpe Diem means to grab the day that you want to have. Seize that one perfect day; that one perfect moment. 
Going back to the official definition of Carpe Diem, pluck the day when it is ripe, I wonder how do we exactly know when the day is ripe. 
Well, when the day is ripe, we just know. It's just like how we know that we have found 'the one.' It's that intense feeling we get of excitement. The feeling that we get when we just know that everything is perfect. Don't you just want to hit the save button?
Life isn't perfect all the time. But sometimes we get those amazing moments that we need to learn to cherish and save in our hearts forever. 

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